Winter Skincare Essentials | Donaldson Plastic Surgery-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网

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By Tatjana Dzamov |

Winter Skincare Essentials 

Winter Skincare Essentials

The Comprehensive Guide To Winterizing Your Skin 

As the winter months approach, 调整你的护肤澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网是很有必要的,以保护你的皮肤免受寒冷天气的严酷和干燥的影响,以及经常被忽视的大剂量紫外线. 由于气温下降,冬天对你的皮肤来说尤其具有挑战性, low humidity levels and indoor heating systems.

We have created this Winter Skincare Essentials 帮助你的皮肤在这个季节保持健康,容光焕发和舒适! 

What Are We Up Against? 

Before we dive into the preparation steps, 了解冬季天气给皮肤带来的具体挑战是很重要的:

  • Low Humidity: Cold air holds less moisture, leading to dry and dehydrated skin. 室内供暖系统也会进一步降低湿度水平,加剧干燥. 
  • Harsh Winds当前位置强烈的冬季风会使你的皮肤失去天然的油脂,使它容易受到伤害.
  • Temperature Fluctuations从寒冷的室外温度到温暖的室内环境会给你的皮肤带来额外的压力.
  • Sun Exposure: While winter brings colder weather and less sunlight, it doesn’t mean your skin is safe from sun damage. Harmful UV rays will still be out during these overcast winter days.
  • Oil Production: Our skin’s natural oil production lessens during the winter, leaving us more susceptible to certain types of damage.

Preparing Your Skin for Winter


Sunscreen is Non-Negotiable

Even in the winter, UV rays can harm your skin. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Focus on areas like your face, neck, and hands, which are often exposed.

Hydration is Mission-Critical 

Proper hydration begins on the inside, 这意味着你必须记得喝8 - 10杯水来保持你的皮肤健康. The next time you step out into the cold air, 观察你呼吸中的凝结物——这有助于提醒我们,仅仅在生活中我们就失去了多少水! Also, we tend to crave coffee more in the winter and cocktails during parties, so remember to keep your alcohol and caffeine intake in check.

我们的专家建议在家中使用加湿器来保持室内湿度水平,并选择具有额外补水功能的医疗级保湿霜, such as hyaluronic acid.

“加一些鲜榨柠檬来补水可以增强免疫功能, 提供一些急需的维生素C,甚至防止我们在节日派对上过度放纵. We should also supplement with Omega3, 白藜芦醇和植物二氧化硅对抗体内的自由基,给我们的皮肤额外的刺激.”

-Tatjana Dzamov
Patient applying moisturizer to skin

An Insider Tip For Overnight Moisturizing 

涂抹大量丰富的保湿剂,如Environ的a- lac乳液, C, E Body Oil to the hands and feet, followed by the application of cotton gloves and socks before bedtime. 这种放纵的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网可以让四肢沐浴在润肤剂和维生素的滋养混合中,同时身体在夜间恢复活力. 隔夜保湿也可以作为一种补救措施来对抗夜间干燥的影响, including arid air, heaters and radiators.


Be Gentle With Your Cleansing

Avoid harsh or overly drying cleansers. 选择温和、保湿的洗面奶,既能去除杂质,又不会剥离皮肤上的天然油脂. Masking should be performed twice a week, as well. You may also consider using a cream or oil-based cleanser for extra moisture.

Exfoliate Strategically

Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells, 但是不要像夏天那样频繁,一周两次比较理想. 使用含有乙醇酸或乳酸等成分的温和去角质产品来保持皮肤的光泽. Be mindful not to over-exfoliate, as it can worsen dryness.

Get Essential Reinforcement From Professional Treatments 

The best aesthetic treatments for winter

It pays off to get some added support from the pros! We highly recommend receiving a routine hydrating facial once every 6 – 8 weeks. 这种非侵入性澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网是专门为冬季干燥的皮肤设计的,包括使用乳酸面膜和维生素输液来恢复深层保湿的外观和感觉. 

Some Of Tatjana’s Recommended Skincare Products for Winter: 

  • Environ Derma Lac Lotion
  • Environ ACE Body oil ( these two are used together)
  • Environ Hydrating Oil Capsules ( mixed with a Moisturizer)
  • Environ Hydrating Serum
  • Environ Super Moisturizer

Protect Your Skin Barrier

涂抹一层丰富的润肤霜来锁住水分,保护皮肤的屏障. 含有神经酰胺、乳木果油或角鲨烷的产品可以在这个时候提供额外的营养. 睡前涂一层厚厚的保湿霜,可以在一夜之间修复皮肤.

Hot showers in the winter

Avoid Those Steaming Hot Showers

在寒冷中洗热水澡可能会让人感到舒适,但它们会剥夺皮肤上的天然油脂. Opt for lukewarm water and limit shower time to prevent excessive drying. Also, 尽量每天只洗一次澡,然后立即使用保湿产品,以锁定其效果. 

Dress To Protect 

Wear breathable, natural fabrics like cotton or silk to avoid skin irritation. Don’t forget to cover up with scarves, gloves and hats when braving the cold!

Nutrition’s Impact On The Skin

A nourishing diet can work wonders for your skin. 我们的功能健康专家建议患者食用富含-3脂肪酸的食物, like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds, as these can help combat dryness and inflammation. Vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables, such as citrus fruits and bell peppers, can boost collagen production and protect your skin from oxidative damage.

Don’t forget to load up on vitamin E from sources like almonds, sunflower seeds, and spinach, which acts as a natural moisturizer for your skin. Lastly, consider adding foods rich in antioxidants, like green tea, to help rejuvenate and repair skin cells. 均衡且营养丰富的饮食不仅能维护皮肤健康,还能让你在整个冬季都容光焕发! 

Apply Special Care To Sensitive Areas

Pay extra attention to sensitive areas like your lips and under-eye skin, which are prone to chapping and dryness. Use a lip balm with SPF and a hydrating eye cream.

“Our skincare regimen needs to be tweaked during the winter and then again between the spring and summer. 这意味着你要去美容院,让你的美容师亲自更换你的产品,以最适合你的皮肤过冬.”

-Tatjana Dzamov

Step Out Of The Cold & Walk Into The Season With Confidence

Winter can be tough on your skin, but with the right preparation and a well-thought-out skincare routine, you can keep it healthy, comfortable, and radiant throughout the colder months. Remember to focus on hydration, 保护和温和的护肤方法-你的皮肤会感谢你,因为它即使在冬天的寒冷中也会发光. 

对于如何在赛季中优化你的日常工作还有其他问题吗? 我们邀请您与我们尊敬的护肤专家预约一次咨询! 

Tatjana Medspa Process

About The Author 

Tatjana Dzamov is the senior medical aesthetician at Donaldson Plastic Surgery. 作为我们医学水疗中心的创始支柱,她在广泛的美容澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方面的专业知识-从 rejuvenating facials to precision microblading and beyond — is nothing short of remarkable. Her passion for skincare is evident in her unwavering dedication to her craft. 她致力于提高患者的自然美,她丰富的知识使她成为医学美学领域的杰出专业人士. 

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